
Some basics for english speaking people who want to go to anarchist / radical left events or places in Salzburg. You can visit these spaces and just talk to people:


Elisabethstraße 11

Regular opening times:
Sunday from 3 p.m. (anti-repression café with food, cake, coffee)

More information (German) Events at Atelier

Infoladen Salzburg

Lasserstraße 26 / infoladensalzburg.wordpress.com / infoladen.sbg [at] systemli.org

Infoshop with newspapers, magazines, books and a library and an archive to social movements in Austria and nearby regions since the 80s. The infoshop wants to connect and encourage system antagonists. They organize lectures, readings, film screenings and demonstrations. Also, there’s coffee.

Regular opening times:
Wednesday and friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

More information (German)  / Events by or at the Infoladen


Müllner Hauptstraße 11b / Facebook

DIY social center. The SUB creates space to unfold and for getting to know each other without the pressure to consume. The base for a comfortable setting is mutual repsect and acceptance. It is a space that works against competitiveness, the logic of profit, and a society that turns everything into a commodity.

Regular opening times:
Friday and saturday from 8 p.m.
Monday at 7 p.m. Küche für alle (vegan food, pay as you can)

More information (German) / Events by or at SUB

You can also take a look at all upcoming events and try to figure out what they mean. ;)

Beisl = bar / party
Demo / Kundgebung = demonstration
Filmabend = film screening (usually in German)
Konzert = concert
Soliparty = party to raise money, usually in solidarity with people confronted with state repression
Vortrag = lecture (usually in German)

If there’s anything else maybe drop us an email: molly [at] systemli.org. No guarantee for a fast reply, sorry :)

We are on Twitter!